Thursday, July 23

mussel (蚌) & muscle (肌肉)

Homophones (同音異義): mussel (蚌), muscle (肌肉)
homophones 同音異義 mussel 蚌 muscle 肌肉

ss = /s/(2個相同子音在一起, 只發一個音)
ss:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#2第5個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #2 (2-5: ss)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #3 (3-4: ss)

Thursday, July 16

Vitamin C

• Homophones: c, see (c 和 see 同音)
Vitamin C 維生素C
Vitamin C supports the health of blood vessels in the eye. 維生素C對眼睛水晶體、視網膜,有保護的功能。

Bats are not blind and can in fact see quite well using their eyes.
俗諺 「as blind as a bat」 (像蝙蝠一樣瞎)。事實上,蝙蝠的視力非但不差,而且還算是非常好。

Friday, July 10

broccoli 綠花椰

• broccoli 綠花椰 / 西蘭花
broccoli 綠花椰

Sunday, July 5

baseball fans

fan 風扇,迷 (粉絲)
baseball fans 棒球 粉絲 球迷

Saturday, July 4


fan 風扇/扇子; 迷/粉絲/仰慕者
fan mail 影迷(或球迷)寫給明星的信
fan 風扇 迷 粉絲

an:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#12第1個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #12 (12-1: an)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #10 (10-1: an)