Saturday, October 31

in/on the tree

在一本童書裏,有以下兩句話, 一句用了 in the tree, 另一句用了 on the tree:
We hang thank you notes in the tree!
Today I will write a note and put it on the tree!

一般來說,在樹枝、樹葉中(被樹枝、樹葉包裹/遮蓋)的東西,會用 in the tree。 可以在樹枝上看到的,則用 on the tree。

in the tree vs on the tree

in:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#12第3個拼字字群
on:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#12第4個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #12 (12-3: in)
Jumble Spelling #12 (12-4: on)

Friday, October 30

caterpillar 毛毛蟲 & butterfly 蝴蝶

caterpillar 毛毛蟲 butterfly 蝴蝶

Wednesday, October 28

skeleton & skin

get under someone's skin 當某人或某事讓人覺得特別煩惱、生氣或者討厭時,可以用這成語來形容這種滋擾的感受。

Tuesday, October 27

clown 小丑

taste funny 嘗起來怪怪的
clown 小丑 taste funny 嘗起來怪怪的

cl:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#6第2個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #6 (6-2: cl)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #4 (4-2: cl)

ow:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#14第6個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #14 (14-6: ow)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #20 (20-4: ow)

Monday, October 26



deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Sunday, October 25

imagination 想像力

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. —Albert Einstein

imagination logic Albert Einstein 愛因斯坦 想像力 創造力 邏輯

gi:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#17第5個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #17 (17-5: gi)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #15 (15-5: gi)

ion:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#20第5個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #20 (20-5: ion)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #25 (25-2: ion)

Saturday, October 24

brain cells 腦細胞

brain cells 腦細胞

Friday, October 23

age 年齡

age 年齡

ge:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#17第4個拼字字群

a_e 發“長母音a”的音

Jumble Spelling #17 (17-4: ge)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #15 (15-4: ge)

Long a sound: a_e
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #22 (22-1: a_e)

Tuesday, October 20

Mount Everest 聖母峰

Mount Everest 聖母峰

Everest 藏了 ever 和 rest 這兩個字
勵志語:"To be at Everest, don't be ever at rest."
* Mount Everest (珠穆朗瑪峰,又叫做聖母峰) 全世界最高山,屬於喜瑪拉雅山脈。

Monday, October 19

towel 毛巾

towel 毛巾

ow:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#14第6個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #14 (14-6: ow)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #20 (20-4: ow)

Sunday, October 18

teapot 茶壺

What starts with a t, ends with a t, and is full of t? A teapot.

tea 茶 茶葉 teapot 茶壺

ea 大多發“長母音e”的音
ea:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#13第3個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #13 (13-3: ea)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #11 (11-3: ea)

Saturday, October 17

read 閱讀

The more you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. —Dr. Seuss

閱讀 學習 reading learning

ea 大多發“長母音e”的音
ea:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#13第3個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #13 (13-3: ea)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #11 (11-3: ea)

Friday, October 16

beat & beet

Farmer: Who raided my vegetable patch?
Piglet: Beets me!

✅ beats me (難倒我了,我不知道) = I don't know; I have no idea.

• homophones (同音異義): beat, beet
• beat 打敗/勝過;打/擊
• beet 甜菜
beat 打敗 勝過 打 擊 beet 甜菜 homophone 同音異義

ea 大多發“長母音e”的音
ea:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#13第3個拼字字群

ee 發“長母音e”的音
ee:「麻辣拼盛 Spelling」編號#13第4個拼字字群

Jumble Spelling #13 (13-3: ea)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #11 (11-3: ea)

Jumble Spelling #13 (13-4: ee)
• ABC Fun Cards (small) (large) #11 (11-4: ee)