Thursday, September 20

The Blind Men and the Elephant (盲人摸象)

The first blind man touched the side of the elephant. “How big and smooth! An elephant is like a wall.” The second blind man touched the trunk of the elephant. “How round! An elephant is like a snake.” The third blind man touched the tusk of the elephant. “How sharp! An elephant is like a spear!” The fourth blind man touched the leg of the elephant. “How tall! An elephant is like a tree!” The fifth blind man touched the ear of the elephant. “How wide! An elephant is like a fan.” The sixth blind man touched the tail of the elephant. “How thin! An elephant is like a rope.”

Lesson objectives: ● Do not mistake the part for the whole. ● Keep an open mind.

這故事可以教導小孩認識事物,一定要從多個角度來多方面去考察,才能得到最全面 的瞭解。

(中文故事: 文言文) 有王告大臣,汝牽一象來示盲者,時眾盲各以手觸,大王喚眾盲問之,汝見象類何物?觸其牙者言象形如蘿菔根,觸其耳者言如箕,觸其腳者言如臼,觸其脊者言如麻,觸其腹者言如甕,觸其尾者言如麻。